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  • Name: Lynzie Kent
  • Company: Love by Lynzie Events & Design / The Pop-Up Chapel Co.
  • Years in Business: 9 / 3

Let’s get down to Biz

So how’d you get into the biz?

I was born into a very entrepreneurial family. My parents had a live band that performed at weddings, corporate events, and resorts and I got my start by performing with them. In my early years in the industry I worked as a singer and dancer for a multitude of entertainment companies that kept me performing at hundreds of weddings and events throughout Ontario and beyond. I gained a lot of tangible experience leading performers on events, stage managing, acting as the coordinating contact and so on. This seamlessly led me to event planning and design.

What was the hardest part of starting your own business? What do you find most rewarding?

The hardest part of starting your own business is setting boundaries. When you love what you do, it can be all consuming. Knowing where my business ends and where I begin can sometimes be cloudy and can create stress in my life. The most rewarding thing has certainly been scaling my business through the different stages of my life. My companies currently support a team of 6 women and knowing that growing this is now providing work for talented people is hugely rewarding. Being able to get away last year and take a 7 month maternity leave from my own company was incredibly rewarding. I have always wanted to do something where I have felt like I am in charge of my own destiny and freedom, and despite the intense connection to the work, I do feel that I have the ultimate control of my life. That’s incredibly rewarding.

When did you get your first big break?

I don’t believe in a big break. Its been a long slow burn and with each passing year, we’ve had incrementally more interesting and exciting opportunities. Some opportunities that I think have really catapulted us into the market we are grateful to be working in were our TV shows “Post my Party” and “Crazy Beautiful Weddings”, what I affectionately refer to as the “Orange Wedding” (our boldest client ever), our partnership with Glenfiddich and our first ever chapel way back in 2017 which has spawned an entirely new business.

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What’s one of the secrets to your success?

Success is a funny thing. I, like anyone, struggle with imposter syndrome and often don’t take the time to recognize my own successes. I think part of the reason I’ve found success is that I am so honest. You can smell inauthenticity and I’ve never been successful at trying to be something I’m not. I’ve stayed true to my creative expression and to the market that we serve. I also believe that I’ve been able to pay credit to my team who consistently lifts the business up in a genuine way that has allowed me to attract an excellent team of people – they have independence within the business that gives them the room to shine. I also think we work really damn hard and that’s ultimately what sets you apart; if you are willing to get into the trenches and dig deep when its tough. Lastly, I’ve followed my arrow – my business doesn’t really look like anyone else’s in the local industry and that’s fine with me. When my fire has told me to follow an idea, I have. When I didn’t know the answer to something, I admitted that and educated myself. When I was clouding my judgement by comparing myself to others, I unfollowed. Listening to myself hasn’t always been easy, but its worked.

What drives you?

In the past, I was driven by ambition, the goal of living a life of freedom determined by me and the opportunity to be creative daily. Through these driving factors, I found that we have a collective responsibility and so much influence on how thousands of people choose to celebrate yearly. Now, more than ever, I am driven by creating positive change through our industry. Since becoming a parent, I’ve really opened my eyes to the impact that the wedding and event industry have on the earth and I want to use my talent and influence to create a better standard for how we celebrate. The Pop-Up Chapel Co. is my answer to this conundrum for now – we use up-cycled/recycled/rented decor, we mitigate our waste and aim to be single use plastic free by 2021 (we are so close!) and 10 couples share the amount of waste that is less than 1 couple would traditionally create. We are also giving around $3000 per chapel to local charities that support kids, the environment, homeless and youth initiatives. I want my influence to be used to change the way we plan events, becoming mindful of the impact we have on our communities and the planet. In 30 years, I want my kids to believe their mom was on the right side of change.

Fun & Quirky

When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up (and how does it relate to what you do now)? A taxi dancer because that’s what Madonna said she was in A League of Their Own, but I think that’s a stripper so… I did become a performer!

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You wouldn’t be you without… Red Lipstick.

What’s at the top of your bucket list? In the future, I’d love to go backpacking with my kids. When I found out I was pregnant with Archie, I had to cancel a volunteering trip in India, so that’s something I’ll do later in life.

Favourite childhood memory? Watching my parents sing together at Stanton House Resort in Muskoka. Every single moment at the cottage.

Backstreet Boys or NSYNC? NSYNC.

Friends of Seinfeld? Seinfeld. Nothing is funnier than George Costanza. Cartwright!!

What’s your one guilty pleasure you enjoy too much to give up? All Dressed Chips. Ketchup Chips. Dill Pickle chips. Cannabis.

If you could retire anywhere in the world, where would it be? My husband and I plan to chase the sun. 4 months in Canada, 4 months in Australia, 4 months wherever we want.

What’s the first thing you do when you get home? Hug and kiss my children.

What’s the first thing you do when you open your eyes in the morning? Wish I could close them again? Joking – hug and kiss my children.