One of the biggest issues that couples face in the planning process is burnout. Let’s face it, planning a wedding is not for the faint of heart… There’s the seating chart that will never make everyone happy; the potential for family drama; bridal showers, bachelor/bachelorette parties and of course the actual getting married part. It can be extremely overwhelming, especially for the bride that is not usually the center of attention and maybe doesn’t want to be.
Enter the Solomoon
Recently, there has been an increase in popularity of brides taking a pre-wedding vacation, and we don’t mean with their soon-to-be spouse, we mean solo. Yes, that’s right, brides (and grooms) are opting to take getaways on their own before saying ‘I do’.
That is exactly what a solomoon is: It’s a solo vacation taken pre-wedding that gives you the chance restore and recharge you for the big day. Sounds great, right?
While some people have opted for extravagant all-inclusive getaways, others simply spend a weekend doing all of their favourite things. This shouldn’t be regarded as a way to get away from your soon-to-be spouse, but rather a way to honour yourself and toast this new chapter before all the craziness begins.
So, take a beat, honour your awesome solo side, and recharge. Head into your wedding feeling grounded, and ready to take on this new adventure.
Why the Solomoon is Great
A solomoon allows you to actually take time to make yourself and self-care a top priority. A lot of people say that the wedding is always about the bride but let’s face it, most brides are running around trying to keep everyone else happy that they end up forgetting to actually breathe, let alone take care of themselves. Does that sound like you? Then maybe a solomoon is exactly what you need to remind you not to burn out before the big event.
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Deciding what Solomoon to Take
Now is not the time to take that three-week Asia tour, or go one some risky adrenaline trip, especially if you’ve never traveled solo before. The solomoon is for taking time to honour what makes you ‘you’. Do you see yourself on the beach? Getting a massage? How about in a trendy neighbourhood full of great food and art? This is your chance to do exactly what you want and make it all about you.
Is your partner a little jealous of your awesome solo adventure? Suggest you both take solomoons on the same week/weekend. What makes the solomoon great is that there is no wrong way to do it, do what feels right and the rest will fall into place.