Congratulations! You made it! You’ve waited, you’ve planned and now it’s finally here- the night before your wedding! Planning a wedding is hard work, so give yourself a pat on the back. There is very little left to be done other than get a good night’s sleep and wake up ready to have the best day ever! Now, your wedding day is a big deal, and you want everything to go smoothly, and on top of that, you want to look and feel great. As such, there are some activities you should avoid doing the night before your wedding.
- Drink heavily: Having a glass or two is fine, if you know you can handle it, but, if you’ve ever been hungover, you know that it’s not cute. Imagine how terrible you would feel being hungover on your wedding day. Alcohol makes you puffy, and bloated, so to avoid looking like you partied all night… we suggest not partying all night.
- Try new beauty products: This is a big one. Do not switch up your beauty routine the night before your wedding. Since you’re already a little on edge, adding any excuse for your skin to react poorly is a bad idea. If you do want to amp up your beauty routine for your big day, we suggest starting a minimum of four months before, that way if your skin reacts poorly, you have time to heal, re-adjust and find what works for you.
- Reach out (or respond) to old flames: This one might seem obvious, but you’d be surprised. Don’t text your ex the night before your wedding, and if they text you, ignore it.
- Re-think your whole theme: Trust us, your wedding is going to rock. Don’t decide at midnight the night before that you want to change your theme or make any other major changes to your plans. You’ll end up regretting it.
- Eat a whole bunch of sugar, carbs etc: Eating a lot of sugar and carbs can do weird things to our bodies – including making us bloated, irritable and nauseous – which is why you shouldn’t eat a ton of them the night before your wedding. Eat a good dinner and then have a light snack if you’re hungry later on. This is not the time for rich foods or anything you’ve never tried before!
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BONUS: Don’t cut your bangs! Again, seems obvious, but you’d be surprised at the amount of horror stories involving brides who freak out and cut their hair! Your hair looks great. Don’t worry.
The night before your wedding is a time to chill! Don’t leave any planning to the last minute and make sure you get a good sleep so that you can look your best in the morning. Most importantly… enjoy every minute of it!